Rising Costs Of Living And How To Survive It As Dentists
Published 1 year ago

A lot of dentists are concerned that if they increase their prices they will lose patients. However, providing your increase is enough to compensate for the increase in costs, you can afford to lose a few patients and still be OK.

At the moment, I am advising increases of a 15% fee per item for check-ups and hygiene and 25% for every other item of treatment, with immediate effect.

i was at a meeting with around 40 practice owners recently who had all increased their prices by between 10% and 25%. When i asked if any of them had experienced kickbacks from the patients, there was silence.

Nobody is batting an eyelid, apart from the people who are serial complainers and every practice has those! Patients are aware that the price of everything is going up so most of them will just see it as part of the wider picture of the state of the economy.



Author: Dr.Waheed

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