Recommended CPDs To Prepare Ahead
Now that we have spoken about what CPD’s is and what platforms you can do them on, I have created a list of some of the most frequently requested ones by the NHS during your mentorship months that you might want to start doing in advance during the waiting period to get your conditions, as it will make things quicker and help you stay organised and focused.
- Complaint management
You will start the course by being introduced to complaint handling, what a complaint is, the consequences of poor complaint handling and an example of a complaint being handled well and an example of a complaint being handled badly.
You will then look at how to handle a complaint in person, on the telephone, via letters, through email or social media and what skills are needed to handle these well.
The course will end by exploring how to investigate and handle customer complaints and how this can benefit the company by reducing the number of complaints you receive in the future.
- Patient communication
Communication skills are essential in all areas of healthcare including conversations with patients; relatives and carers; communication with colleagues; as well as in group situations including strategic and/or multi-disciplinary meetings.
The skills based workshop is designed to support this diverse range of health professional communication needs to ultimately benefit patient care. The course provides a solid foundation for further behaviour change skills training.
- GDC standards for the dental team
You’ll find the guide of GDC standards which consists of a “set of standards of conduct, performance and ethics that govern you as a dental professional. It specifies the principles, standards and guidance which apply to all members of the dental team. It also sets out what patients can expect from their dental professionals.”
- IRMER criteria for dental radiography
An e-IRMER is “an interactive online training resource supporting the training of NHS and other healthcare professionals who work with patients undergoing ionising radiation medical exposures.
e-IRMER provides easy access to learning materials, and through formative and summative assessments, allows the learner to both develop competence and demonstrate compliance with the regulatory requirements of the IR(ME)R”.
- NICE guidelines and recall
“This guideline covers assigning recall intervals between oral health reviews that are appropriate to the needs of individual patients. The guideline takes account of the effect of dental checks on: people's wellbeing, general health and preventive habits; caries incidence and avoiding restorations; periodontal health and avoiding tooth loss; and avoiding pain and anxiety. It aims to improve or maintain patients' quality of life and reduce morbidity associated with oral and dental disease.”
- Decontamination and infection control in the dental practice
“This course aims to cover all of the bases, allowing you to walk away with a deeper appreciation of how infections spread; the importance of personal hygiene and health, and the principles surrounding decontamination and waste – so you can effectively apply this theoretical knowledge to your work.
Choosing to study our Principles of the Prevention and Control of Infection in Health Care Settings Level 2 course can provide you with the knowledge and the insight to take positive steps towards preventing and controlling infection in patient homes; hospitals and within health care settings”.
- Drug prescribing for dentistry
“This CPD is suitable for informing dental practitioners in the primary care sector, and applies to all patients, including adults, children and those with special needs, who would normally be treated in the primary care sector.
The guidance does not include advice on prescribing for those in a secondary care environment or for practitioners with special expertise who may prescribe a wider range of drugs”.
- Oral health and oral cancer
This CPD is frequently required by the NHS, basically because they expect you to be able to recognise the appearance of malignant lesions in the oral cavity and identify whether they need further investigation or just keep under monitoring.
- CPR, AED & medical emergencies
This is an essential CPD that's asked by the NHS and the GDC to be held annually in all practices for each member of the staff and this should be a hands-on course that discusses the basic medical emergencies and how to handle them if they may occur and what basic drugs you need to have in check in case an emergency was to happen ,aswell basic CPR training .
- Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults level 2
“This course is for anyone that works around children as it is important to have a detailed knowledge of how to safeguard them from harm. The units cover all pieces of legislation that relate to safeguarding children as well as also looking at the types of abuse a child can suffer ''.
Author: Dr. Waheed
We hope it was worth giving your precious time in reading the article, however, if you have any query and want to get connected with a trustable consultancy contact us freely at contact@britasiadoctors.co.uk
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